Date and Time:
WEDNESDAY, April 25, 2012, 11:30 AM – 4:00 PM.
New York University, 13-19 University Place, The Great Room (First Floor), New York, NY, 10003.
Speakers include:
Pamela Brown, New School University; Alice Slater, New York Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and other key speakers involved in the Global Teach-In.
The Global Teach-In will take place simultaneously in seven countries and multiple cities, starting on April 25th, 2012 at 12:00 Noon Eastern Daylight Time. This interactive and participatory event will include discussions by experts, grassroots activists and citizens at large concerned about developing solutions to policy problems and creating alternative institutions. The Teach-In will involve face-to-face deliberation, teleconferencing and an internet-based broadcasting network. Local teach-in groups already exist or are in formation. Participate by organizing a teach-in, joining a local group or listening to the broadcast.
Despite promises of universal prosperity, the real fruits of the new global economy have been joblessness, austerity, ecological collapse, and war. The discrepancy between the 1 percent’s promises and the 99 percent’s daily experience is creating mass discontent, tapped by the Occupy movement in the United States and pro-democracy networks worldwide. These movements create the political conditions for far-reaching ideological, institutional, and policy change, including demilitarization and a Green New Deal.
The Global Teach-In: New York aims to offer a concrete agenda for ways out of the current mess.
Combining live-streaming internet linkups and local in-person gatherings, the Global Teach-In on April 25th, 2012 will link pro-democracy and public interest activists from cities in several countries interested in exploring practical steps towards lasting change. Topics to be explored by the Teach-In include:
- Green job creation
- Sustainable wealth creation instead of austerity
- Democratic control of finance and investment
- Student loan debt cancellation
- Pushing back against the militarization of our economy, media and everyday lives
- Shifting resources from militarism to a Green New Deal, including investment in renewable energy, affordable housing, and properly funded public education
The Global Teach-In program includes: two local discussion sessions and three global webcast/broadcast sessions with speakers including Gar Alperovitz, Bill Mckibben, Ellen Brown, Pamela Brown, Alice Slater, and Jigme Thinley (Prime Minister of Bhutan).
Schedule for the Global Teach-In New York City at NYU:
11.30 AM
Welcome and Introductions
12.00 NOON –1.00 PM
Global Teach-In Network Broadcast #1: International Speakers
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Local Group Face To Face Discussion
2:00 – 3:00 PM
Global Teach-In Broadcast #2: Local reports and global discussion
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Global Teach In Broadcast #3: New York and Other local reports
4:00 – 4:30 PM
What’s Next?
Registration information: Go to this page.
Contact information: Facebook Page; dankaran [at]