Deconstructing Peter Woladarski’s Editorial on the SD Poster Controversy

Deconstructing Peter Woladarski’s Låt SD vråla för sig själva i svensk politik  in Dagens Nyheter, August 9, 2015: An Analysis of Nine Key Problems Picture 1: SD poster campaign; Picture 2: August 4, 2015 protest against posters By Jonathan Michael Feldman, Posted August 9, 2015 and August 10, 2015 Preface At one point in time,…

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How can we cut the US military budget?

The central obstacle we face in cutting the U.S. military budget is rooted in the nature of the political-economy of the military-industrial-congressional complex or MICC.  All economies are political economies, hopefully with a small ‘p’ and a large   ‘E,’  but the MICC is a political economy with a large ‘P’ and a small  ‘e.’   The habitual modes…

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Global and European economic alternatives

“The EuroMemorandum seeks to set out a critical analysis of recent economic  developments in Europe and to present the basis for possible alternative policies. It is intended as a contribution to the critical discussion in intellectual and social movements in Europe, and in solidarity with all those struggling against the impact of the deeply regressive, anti-social…

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A Comprehensive Global Agenda Is Needed

I. Democracy  Networks The concentration of  power in large corporations and banks has placed serious constraints on democracy. Many large companies have outsourced work overseas and failed to organize work at home. The megabanks, backed by bond rating agencies and governments, have created austerity programs, and have received bailouts when  many are jobless or homeless.Yet, we…

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